The following videos were requested by MacLean Power Systems and published to:
We setup a film studio with a green-screen background for these interviews. To produce the videos, I took part in writing/interviewing, filming, and completely editing all of the following clips.
• Videos were captured with a Canon M50 in 4K.
• Adobe Premiere Pro was used for editing.
• Adobe After Effects was used for chromakey effects and supplementary graphics.
CRS Splice Interview & Overview
TDG Hardware Interview Presentation
Grounding Clamp Interview Introduction
UVMAXX Fiberglass Crossarm Introduction
Excalibur High Capacity Pile Advantages
Electric Power Nylon Wireholder Installation
Installation of a Secondary Clevis
Corrosion Resistant Hardware
Distribution Power Line Post Insulator Overview

The following videos were created by MacLean Power's Product Managers to promote products during the 2020/2021 pandemic quarantine. Each manager did a great job in capturing the essence of MPS product features and benefits. They sent their recordings to me, and with a little editing, these videos came to life!
At Home Presentation: Arrester Products
At Home Presentation: Mike's Neighborhood
At Home Presentation: Strandvise Installation
At Home Presentation: Helping Customers
To help our SME (Subject Matter Experts) record their video content and share with our team, I created this multipanel instructional guide with custom graphics to guide them through the process.
This final video was created to guide website users for a new user interface.
• Video screen captures were completed with a Techsmith Snagit on a Macbook Pro.
• Adobe Premiere Pro was used for editing.
• Adobe Illustrator was used for static graphics.
Software Used:
- Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop: Website Graphics
- InVision: Website Prototype
- Adobe After Effects: Presentation Graphics